The Shoreview Northern Lights Variety Band rehearses at the Shoreview Community Center, located at the northeast corner of Victoria Street and Highway 96 in Shoreview. Unless otherwise noted, rehearsals are held every Tuesday evening from 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., except during the month of August.
Attendance is open to anyone who would like to play; no appointments, no auditions.
From Interstate 694, take Lexington Avenue north approximately 1.5 miles to Highway 96. Turn East on 96 to the first traffic light, Victoria Street. Turn north on Victoria to the Shoreview Community Center. From Interstate 35W, take Highway 96 (first exit north of I-694) east to fourth traffic light, which is Victoria Street.
Once inside the Shoreview Community Center, you’ll find our rehearsal facility in the banquet room just inside the front door.
Our schedule does occasionally change, especially after major concerts, so it is wise to click here (link updated needed here) for the current band calendar.